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CleanSearch has developed a system that is much more deeply rooted in technical processes, than standard press dissemination. Also more effective than press release services, or services such as reputation.com (who asks clients to do the work, lol). We ask clients what type of articles / news do you want Google to display. What ‘news’ do you want associated with this term? What news do you want to generate? What direction do you want the news results to flow in? Google is a lucid, live entity that aggregates data points and assesses relevance, constantly, continuously. It is never ‘set’, it is never done, it never stops. It assesses the current, it compares the past, it determines the future.
A few links, or even a few hundred links, are not going to alter what Google deems relevant to a keyword or phrase. It is not then, surprising, that a “lucid”, “live” entity is exactly what Google’s algorithms find sufficiently compelling to revaluate, acknowledge and assign relevance to. Our system provides this environment, facilitates relevance assessment and affects associations on a core, algorithmic level, at a substantially accelerated rate. Our system is continuously generating network associations that grow relevance in perpetuity, as opposed to a press-dump that begins to dissipate as soon as it’s released.
// Online Crisis Management Experts
PR Management
Unrivaled Expertise
We have hundreds of years of combined experience, and have developed a succinct system, that is literally “unrivaled” in it’s effectiveness. Our system processes are either manually executed by us, or programmed into our automated systems. Our system executes, builds and maintains search engine dominance year round, like a PR agent working for you 24 / 7 without sleep (make that 2 or 3 PR agents without sleep, plus all the pizza they want), which is not an exaggeration.
Proprietary services methods.
Developing something for our clients that is significantly superior than the competition is our goal, mission and what drives us each day, which converts to client success and satisfaction. These testimonials are real, we want to impress you! CleanSearch maintains exclusive services and deep infrastructure unavailable and unrivaled anywhere online. Awarded a Service Mark from the United States Office of Patents & Trademarks.

A More Effective System
A press release appears as self promotion, has diminished cache and is extremely short-lived. Many publications in a press release network only maintain the publication for a short time, and most display a “sponsored” designation and may limit what your content can consist of. But, that matters little as 99% won’t make an appearance of any significance in the search results. Analyzing the results of any previous press release will most likely bring disappointing results. Our system creates PERMANENT and continued search engine presence on the precise keywords and phrases you select.
– Bonafide news sources which Google recognizes
– Developer API’s from social media & on-page website operations
– Programmed Automations (Various Executions)
– Press Release (designed specifically for our service process)
These are the broad components of the absolute most sophisticated, unique and effective system available.
Happy Customers
To succeed, every software solution must be deeply integrated into the existing tech environment...

Public Relations & Media Services
CleanSearch Specialty Media & Online Public Relations Experts. Online Media & PR Firm creating dynamic positive, prolific high-ranking search results through media platforms, SEO, publications and social media, to out preform competition and outrank unwanted search results.
Online or Internet-based dynamics are fundamental to public relations today. Controlling the search results is now the core function of a crisis management and public relations strategy. We are a PR firm with expertise in creating high-ranking search engine results.
Experts in positive SEO management, reverse SEO, crisis management, and controlled media PR delivering immediate search engine results in minutes. We don’t just create content, we create news.
We have been providing professional online services since 1999, with our Website; SearchEngineWarrior.com. In 2006, we began offering reverse SEO and search engine-based promotion as well as obfuscation. In 2009 we incorporated as CleanSearch® and are proud to hold a trademark patent for Proprietary Business Reputation Management. We refer to this service, more appropriately as Online Relevance Management, and Online Crisis Management.
Business Promotions
We achieve high ranking search results in the production, preparation and dissemination of online content. We are SEO experts combined with public relations expertise and media consultants focused on designing PR packages. CleanSearch, founders were instrumental in the advent of the “online relevance management” industry creating one of the pioneer “reputation” services.
Media Experts
Online Media & PR Firm creating dynamic positive, prolific high-ranking search results through media platforms, SEO, publications and social media to out preform the competition and outrank unwanted search results.
Service specifics can be found at RiptidePR.com.